Event Cancellation Continuance

Event Cancellation Continuance


We concur with the Crown’s actions in response to the latest recommendations by the CDC in cancelling events through May 10th.

The events scheduled in April are already being rescheduled later dates.  Cassandra will be contacting the branches affected by today’s announcement though decisions regarding the events are up to the sponsoring branch.  At this time, we are not expecting any impact to Coro-vestiture.

We are extremely proud of actions taken by many in the Summits over the last week – planning online activities, being flexible in rescheduling events, and offering counsel to those concerned about entering Coronet among other things.

Please remember that these actions are taken in response to modern government actions and intended to keep us all healthy allowing us to play another day.

Questions can be sent to SummitsCoronet@antir.org and/or SummitsSeneschal@antir.org or you can message us on the book of faces.

Kenric & Dagmar, Prince and Princess of the Summits
Cassandra, Summits Seneschal

Link to the Kingdom Announcement:

An Tir Event Cancellation Continuance