
The Alpine Highnesses
Ivan Shield Bane and Mina de filia Philipe

Ivan and Mina

Ivan Shield Bane and Mina de filia Philipe

Their Alpine Highnesses’ Current Progress
(Subject to change)

1/18/25 – Midwinter – Ivan

1/24/25-1/26/25 – Ursulmas – Ivan

2/1/25 – Birl – Both

2/7/25-2/9/25 – Alpine Fest of Arts -Both

3/7/25-3/9/25 – Kingdom A&S – Mina

3/8/25-3/16/25 – Gulf Wars – Ivan

3/28/25-3/30/25 – March Coronet – Both

4/12/2025 – Eggberts – Both

4/19/2025 – Defenders – Ivan

4/25/25-4/27/25 – Bar Gemels – Both

5/3/25 – May Revel – Both

5/9/25-5/11/25 – Tain Bo – Both

5/16/25-5/18/25 – Crown – Ivan

5/23/24-5/26/24 – Egils – Both

6/20/24-6/22/24 – June Investiture – Both

About Ivan Shield Bane


Ivan Shieldbane is an Anglo Saxon adventurer from the Migration Era. Ivan can be found in the tournament Eric or on the war field if there is a contest of skill he enjoys watching. Ivan really enjoys a good story and the song and passion performers bring to the bardic circle. Ivan enjoys earth tones and dark colors, but generally doesn’t give such much thought.

Food and Drink Preferences

He is an enjoyer of foods from all over the world. Ivan is minimizing alcohol consumption. He prefers to drink Gatorade, iced tea, and of course, water.

About Mina de filia Philipe


Mina de filia Philipe’s persona is that of a 14th century Navarrian woman. She loves archery, arts, and evenings around the campfire. Mina can often be found watching tournament fighting, working gate, watching her children’s activities, or socializing with… well, pretty much anyone. Her greatest joy in the SCA is the people. The bonds of friendship and family forged with those near and far are what brings the Dream to life for her.
Her favorite colors are blue, teal, and silver.

Food and Drink Preferences

Mina will try most any foods. She is particularly fond of pasta, bread, and tacos! She likes most all fruits and fresh vegetables, though strawberries are her favorite. She prefers sweet over salty. She does not like raw onions, fish, stinky cheese, or cooked broccoli. Mina does not drink alcohol. She prefers sweetened tea (hot or iced), Pepsi, and fruit juices.

The Alpine Highnesses of the Summits, Amalric and Z

The Alpine Highnesses
Amalric Blackhart and Z

About Amalric Blackhart

Amalric Blackhart (he/him) started playing in the SCA in AS XVI and later squired into the lineage of Edward Zifran of Gendy. Amalric was knighted on the battlefield at Pennsic 23. This year is his 30th anniversary as a Knight. Reigned as King in two Kingdoms: the first in Atlantia AS XXXIV, and then in An Tir AS XLI. He enjoys fighting, music with friends around a campfire (campfire optional), leather & wood working, armoring, sewing, brewing, archery & thrown weapons, and anything else that seems fun at the time! Z inspires him to be the best he can be both on and off the field with the love and appreciation they show him.

Can be seen dressed in all colors, but favors black, blood red, and Summits colors.

Food and Drink Preferences
Mostly omnivorous, Amalric is happy with most food but especially likes smoked meats. Spicy is good, too. Not a big fan of hops in beer, he prefers a more malty flavor, or even better, mead that is slightly sweet and effervescent.

At present on a carbs free diet, thus tragically the beer and mead are off the menu.

About Z

Z (they/them/he) found the SCA at An Tir West War in AS LII, but has been far more active in the last two years. Holds a strong passion for tea across all times and cultures, from the cultivation of leaf to the ceremony of serving. Similarly, they have an affinity for all dragons across time and cultures. Crochet is a constant fidget for them, and they indulge in the squishable plushie.

Looking to broaden the scope of the SCA beyond the well trodden, with a particular interest in exploring areas in the Mesoamerican, Ottoman, and any other interesting cultures. Not especially interested in any one time frame, thus still time traveling and exploring.

Favorite colors are various shades of gray with a leaning toward cooler grays, blue, and of course black.

Food and Drink Preferences
Z can’t eat gluten or sugar, and pork just doesn’t agree with them.
Has a fondness for red meats and soft cheeses.
Preferred drinks are unsweetened teas, adult seltzers, and occasionally red wine.

Progress Schedule


An Tir West War – July 2-7
July Coronation – July 19-21
Pennsic – July 23-August 11


Stormgods – August 16-18
Murder in the Desert – August 23-25
September Crown – August 30-2


Acorn War – September 6-8
Autumn War – September 12-15
Fall Coronet – September 20-22


Samhain – October 26


Fall Celebration – November 1-3


Winter Investiture – December 13-15

Z and Amalric

Their Alpine Highnesses of the Principality of the Summits, Eduardo (left), and Finn (right)

The Alpine Highnesses
Finn Grim Baneson and Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia

About Finn Grim Baneson


Finn Grim Baneson is a 11th Century Norman Knight from England. Besides his interest in the martial arts he enjoys helping others strive towards their goals, working and leading events, weaving (especially wire brocade) and recreating period pottery from all over the world from many different cultures and time periods. His Highness has been in the SCA for 19 years and is a Pelican, Knight and Court Baron after serving as the Landed Baron of Dragon’s Mist. He is married to the love of his life Prince Eduardo. Their Highnesses have two grown children and a Schnoodle named Luciano. Luciano LOVES people and is a menace with dogs and other animals!

Food and Drink Preferences

Prince Finn enjoys most food and drinks as long as it doesn’t live in water or is a cucumber pickle, mayonnaise-based sauce or mustard. He likes Whiskeys, Cider and Limoncello, although he is not a big drinker in general. While fighting he does not eat much and prefers specific electrolyte drinks, Canadian Iced Tea and water. It should be noted Their Highnesses have a team who prepares their food and drinks and before presenting them with food stuffs it is best to chat with them.

About Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia


Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia is an Italian Renaissance noble from Florence in the late 1400’s, but explores ALL cultures and time periods in the SCA. Besides inspiring his husband in the martial pursuits, he enjoys cooking, fiber arts, organizing arts and sciences events and was one of the original instigators of Inspirational Equality in the SCA. He has been AnTir Kingdom Arts and Sciences Champion twice. His Highness has been in the SCA for 40+ years and has lived, briefly, in Atlantia and Caid. He is a Laurel, Pelican, Court Baron and Lion AnTir. He is married to the love of his life Prince Finn. Their Highnesses have two grown children and a Schnoodle named Luciano. Luciano LOVES people and is a menace with dogs and other animals!

Food and Drink Preferences

Eduardo enjoys most all food and drink, but doesn’t eat much at events. He likes Gin and Tonic and Finnish Long Drink. He won’t turn down a refreshing fruity beverage. His favorite liquor is Cream Based Whiskey drinks. He loves cheese, nuts and salty snacks. It should be noted Their Highnesses have a team who prepares their food and drinks and before presenting them with food stuffs it is best to chat with them.

Progress Schedule


Dual Yule (12/16)


12th Night (1/12-1/14)

DEI Collegium (1/20)

Midwinter Feast (1/20)

Ursalmus (1/26-1/28)


Briaroak Burl (2/3)

Alpine Scholar (2/9 – 2/11)

Tir Righ Investiture (2/16-2/18)

Carnevale (2/24)


AnTir Arts and Sciences (3/1 – 3/3)

Gulf Wars (3/9-3/17)

Summits Coronet (3/22-3/24)


West Coast Culinary Guild (4/6)

Honor War (4/12-4/14)

Mountain Edge Defenders (4/20)

Bar Gemels (4/26-28)


May Revel (5/4)

Tain Bo (5/10-12)

AnTir May Crown (5/17-5/19)

Egils (4/24-4/27)


June Faire (6/14-6-16)

Summits Investiture (6/21-6/23)

Their Alpine Highnesses
Ivan Shield Bane and Mina de filia Philipe

Ivan Shield Bane and Mina de filia Philipe

Ivan Shield Bane and Mina de filia Philipe

About Ivan Shield Bane


Ivan Shieldbane is an Engle Saxon adventurer from the Migration Era. Ivan can be found in the tournament Eric or on the war field if there is a contest of skill he enjoys watching. Ivan really enjoys a good story and the song and passion performers bring to the bardic circle. Ivan enjoys earth tones and dark colors, but Ivan doesn’t give such much thought.

Food and Drink Preferences

He is an enjoyer of foods from all over the world and has been known to imbibe alcohol (but he’s cut it back in recent days). Ivan prefers Gatorade, iced tea, and of course, water.

About Mina de filia Philipe


Mina de filia Philipe’s persona is that of a 14th century Navarrian woman. She loves archery, arts, and evenings around the campfire. Mina can often be found watching tournament fighting, working gate, watching her children’s activities, or socializing with… well, pretty much anyone. Her greatest joy in the SCA is the people. The bonds of friendship and family forged with those near and far are what brings the Dream to life for her.
Her favorite colors are blue, teal, and silver.

Food and Drink Preferences

Mina will try most any foods. She is particularly fond of pasta, bread, and tacos! She likes most all fruits and fresh vegetables, though strawberries are her favorite. She prefers sweet over salty. She does not like raw onions, fish, stinky cheese, or cooked broccoli. Mina does not drink alcohol. She prefers sweetened tea (hot or iced), Pepsi, and fruit punch Gatorade.

Their Alpine Highnesses
Weylyn ibn Rustam and Lindis de Aquisgranno

Weylyn and Lindis - Alpine Prince and Princess

Weylyn ibn Rustam and Lindis de Aquisgranno

Head of Retinue

Nadezhda Volynskaiia

About Tanist Weylyn ibn Rustam


Weylyn ibn Rustam’s Persona is 9th Century Norse. He has traveled to the east where he met his family and Knight Abu Nur Rustam ibn Abdallah.

Weylyn likes Heavy Fighting, Service, Dad Jokes and socializing at events. His favorite colors are blue and Saffron.

Food and Drink Preferences

Most foods and drink are okay, with no known allergies. He likes Bourbon and ginger beer, and dislikes raw tomatoes.

About Lindis de Aquisgranno


Lindis de Aquisgranno’s persona is 9th Century Carolingian. From the city if Aachen, in what is now Germany, she loves all things administrative. She is also known to explore Norse culture and wear garb from different regions.

Her favorite colors are blue, orange, and black. Lindis enjoys Archery, Fighting (more watching these days than being on the field), bardic, medieval games, bocce ball, and socializing with interesting folks.

She likes decorated useful objects, silly jokes, toys (tops, yo-yo’s) and things she can do tricks with, and anything that created joy.

Food and Drink Preferences

Most foods are ok but she is allergic to juniper berries and orange and would like to stay away from processed foods. She mostly drinks water, coffee with vanilla creamer, and loves Bourbon and ginger beer.

Progress Schedule (Tentative)


11/5/22 Martinmas- Terra Pomaria
11/11-11/13 Collegium- Aqua Terra (Everett, WA)
11/18-20 Summits Service Collegium- Terra Pomaria


12/9-12/11 Investiture-Cour du val
12/17 Adiantum Yule- Adiantum


1/13-1/15 12th Night- Adiantum
1/27-1/29 Ursulmas- Aqua Terra (Monroe, WA)


2/17-2/20 Summits Festival of the Arts-Corvaria


3/3-3/5 Kingdom A&S -location unknown
3/8-3/15 Gulf War- Mississippi
3/17-3/19 Coronet-Glyn Dwfn


? Baroness War ? Dates and location unknown
4/21-4/23 Bar Gemels- Terra Pomaria


5/12-5/14 Tain Bo- Glyn Dwfn
5/19-/5/21 May Crown- location unknown
5/26-5/29 Egils- Adiantum


6/9-6/11 Tir Righ Coronet ?
6/11-6/19 Investiture- Mountain Edge

Their Alpine Highnesses
Datu Bato and Dayang Emma von Bern

Bato and Emma 2022

Datu Bato and Dayang Emma von Bern

Head of Retinue

HL Adrianne von Brandenburg

Court Coordinator

Melannei Athenaios

Recommendations and other mail

Their Alpine Highnesses encourage the populace to make recommendations,
even if you do not have full information about someone.
You can make a recommendation online at the Recommendations Page

or directly to

Get to Know the Datu and Dayang

Learn more about their Alpine Highnesses. Get a glimpse into their background, their interests, their preferences.

The cheer: Mabuhay

Bato and Emma – Preferences (PDF)

Progress Schedule

23 CDV play date day trip
The Shire of Coeur du Val (Corvallis, Benton County, OR )

29 – 31 Game of Thrones and Stormgods
The Barony of Stromgard (Vancouver, WA) Trojan Park
71760 Columbia River Hwy Ranier, OR 97048

Flying B Bar Ranch
1100 McMullen Creek Rd. Selma, OR 97538

12-14 Long and Short
The Barony of Terra Pomaria (Marion, Polk & Lincoln Counties, OR )

19-21 Autumn war Day trip on the 20th

1 – 5 September Crown 2022
The Kingdom of An Tir (Oregon, Washington, Northern Idaho, and British Columbia)
Kitsap County Fairgrounds and Event Center
1200 Fairgrounds Rd NW Bremerton, WA 98311

16 – 18 Summits Coronet

4-10 – Great Western War, Kingdom of Caid
22 – Samhain, Glyn Dwfn

5th – Martinmas Feast, Terra Pomaria
18th – 20th – Summits Service Collegium, Terra Pomaria

9 – 11 Summits Investiture, Coeur Du val

Their Alpine Highnesses
The Reign of Prince Kenric and Princess Dagmar

Prince Kenric and Princess Dagmar
Photo by Mina filla de Felip

Prince Kenric and Princess Dagmar


Head of Retinue

Mina filla de Felip


Head Attendant

Ynez de la Cruz


Court Coordinator

Lorenzo di Leone Salvini


Chief Scribe

Aine O’Shehy

Largesse Coordinator

Milesande de Frayne


Garb Coordinator

Elsa van Aurec


Grail Bearer

Temperance Trewelove


Head Guard

Seamus McMurrough

Recommendations and other mail


Their Alpine Highnesses encourage the populace to make recommendations,
even if you do not have full information about someone.
You can make a recommendation online at the Recommendations Page

or directly to

Request for Largesse!


Their Alpine Highnesses wish to present visiting royalty and
nobles in other lands where TAH visit with the magnificent works of the populace.
Please donate and help Their Alpine Highnesses grow the word fame of the Summits!

Their Alpine Highnesses
The Reign of Prince Antoine and Princess Kathren

Prince Antoin and Princess Kathren
Photo Courtesy of Piaras Mac Toirdhealbhaigh

Prince Antoine

Princess Kathren


Head of Retinue

Piaras Mac Toirdhealbhaigh


Head Attendant

Nicolaa le Vinour


Court Coordinator

Aelis de la Rose


Chief Scribe

Eden the Mad


Largesse Coordinator

Melisande de Frayne

Largesse Co-Coordinator

Melisande de Frayne


Garb Coordinator

Ayla Roth


Grail Bearer

Victor de Guers


Head Guard

Jacques D’Aramis

Recommendations and other mail


Their Alpine Highnesses encourage the populace to make recommendations,
even if you do not have full information about someone.
You can make a recommendation online at the Recommendations Page

or directly to and

Request for Largesse!


Their Alpine Highnesses wish to present visiting royalty and
nobles in other lands where TAH visit with the magnificent works of the populous.
Please donate and help Their Alpine Highnesses grow the word fame of the Summits!