The law signed by Their Majesties Athos and Alianora and Their Highnesses Weylyn and Lindis June 2023.
Download PDFThe law signed by Their Majesties Christian and Helene and Their Highnesses Durin and Cerridwen September 2017.
Download PDFThe law signed by Their Majesties Erik and Driffina and Their Highnesses Turk and Vesta Januray 2016.
Download PDFThe law signed by Their Majesties Savaric and Dalla and Their Highnesses William Geoffrey and Diana March 2015.
Download PDFThe law signed by Their Majesties Ieuan and Gwyneth and Their Highnesses Keith and Ekatarina November 2013.
Download PDFThe law signed by Their Majesties Ulfr and Caoimhe and Their Highnesses Luciano and Elizabeth June 2013.
Download PDFThe law signed by Their Majesties Vik and Astrid and Their Highnesses Aaron and Telisia on 9/1/2012.
Download PDFThe law signed by Their Majesties Thorin and Dagmaer and Their Highnesses Brian and Acacia on 12/10/2011.
Download PDFThe law signed by Their Majesties Owain and Adwen and Their Highnesses Gustav and Sofia 9/20/2008.
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