Champions & Officers of Court

Order of the Shield of the Summits (formerly The Shield of Chivalry)

Temperance Trewelove

May be given at Summits Spring and Fall Coronets.

Heavy Marshal - Round

Defender of Summits

Antoine à la Langue d’Or

Traditionally changes once yearly at Summer Investiture.

Arts & Sciences - Round

Alpine Scholar – Arts and Sciences Champion

Dawnhela Heartsblood of Briaroak

Traditionally changes once yearly at Summits Arts & Sciences and Bardic.

Champion Badge

Summits Bardic Champion

Fel (Gaius Aurelianus Felix)

Traditionally changes once yearly at Summits Arts & Sciences and Bardic.

Archery Marshal - Round

Captain of Eagles – Archery Champion

William Cristofore of Devonshire

This event is hosted on a rotating basis and branches choose to be part of the rotation every odd year at Winter Investiture.

Rapier Marshal - Round

Captain of Cats – Rapier Champion

Alejandro Romero

Traditionally changes once yearly at 11th Night (Winter Investiture).

Heavy Marshal - Round

Kapitan Serebra Tigra – Cut & Thrust Champion

Adriano Foscari

Traditionally changes once yearly at March Coronet.

Thrown Weapons - Round

Hunter of the Summits – Thrown Weapons Champion

Eoghan Ua Cléirigh

Traditionally changes once yearly.